Fuyuan Kokusai Hotel Shandong
Fuyuan Kokusai Hotel Shandong
data:2017-06-20 Views: 250

 Fuyuan Kokusai Hotel by Tianjin the Great Wall Hotel Real Estate Investment Limited company wholly invested by Hongkong, Datong The Peninsula Hotel management company limited the standard of five star luxury hotels. The total land area of about 47 thousand square meters, total construction area of about 100 thousand square meters. The hotel has 186 different sizes.
Chase The Peninsula Hotel management company for many years committed to overseas high-end hotel management and management, the company in many countries and regions in the world has more than five star resort and Traders Hotel. Its most famous Palau international resort is a national support project of palau.
Hotel Address: Shandong Jining Liangshan County Road and waterway intersection Shuibo Ji

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